Sunday Services: 10:30am

Holidays and Traditions

The UUErie mission is to be a vibrant and inclusive religious community.

We INSPIRE personal and spiritual growth. We CONNECT in fellowship and service. We ACT for Peace and Justice

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Our multi-cultural, multi-faith community observes many different traditions and celebrations throughout the year.

Some holidays come from our heritage in Protestantism as well as local culture.  Christmas and Easter are important cultural holidays, and reason to look at the stories in the Bible.

American holidays, like Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Veterans Day and the like are important because we are a part of the United States, and honor our nation’s people.

Natural holidays, like the changing of the seasons, as well as Earth Day are celebrated because our community draws inspiration from the cycles of nature.

Some celebrations have significance in light of our seven principles. These include honoring the worth and dignity of marginalized peoples,  celebrating democracy and world community.

Our study of prophetic individuals lead us to honor Buddhist and Hindu traditions.  As a vibrant and progressive community, we welcome the opportunity to learn about any other traditions or perspectives you might bring to us!

Unitarian Universalist Holidays


Flower Communion

In 1923, the Flower Service was created by Rev. Dr. Norbert Čapek as a way to unite his diverse congregation of former Catholics, Jews and Orthodox Protestants without adapting a ritual from any one of them. We continue his legacy with traditional elements from Čapek’s original service and modern elements.  (April or May)

Water Communion/Ingathering

At the beginning of the school year we restart our worship life honoring our lives and our journeys with a ceremony called “Water Communion.”

Members bring a few drops of water from their lives– from a new well, or air conditioner,  from travels, swimming pools, parks, sprinklers, from hospital rooms or retreat centers.   These varied waters are combined during the service to represent our lives flowing together.   (Early September)