Sunday Services: 10:30am

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What to Expect on Sunday Morning

The UUErie mission is to be a vibrant and inclusive religious community.

We INSPIRE personal and spiritual growth. We CONNECT in fellowship and service. We ACT for Peace and Justice

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We gather on Sunday mornings to learn to live more wisely, to live with more connection, and to deepen our compassion.  Since we do not follow a proscribed liturgy, our services vary. We suggest you visit us more than once to have a better understanding of our religious community.

A greeter at the door, or an usher just inside the sanctuary, is available to answer questions. Hearing assist devices are available on the usher’s table. Elements of the service will be projected on the sanctuary screens; hymnals are provided as needed.

Initially, children join their family in the service and then are invited to leave for classes. We sing them to their classes with a special song, We will Keep a Place for You. All children are invited to attend these classes. There is a nursery available for infants through Kindergarten.

Elements in the service vary from Sunday to Sunday, but in general include:

  • The ringing of the church bell a few minutes before the service.
  • A prelude moving us into the sacred time and space.
  • Welcoming words and the chalice lighting, the symbol of our faith, leading us into the worship hour.
  • The reciting of our Bond of Union from 1898, created as a description of our common purpose.
  • Many types of music provided by our music director, Jackson Froman, our choir, guest musicians, and congregational hymn singing.  
  • Stories, poetry, or other readings, including responsive readings. 
  • A sermon or message delivered by our minister, a guest speaker, or a member of the congregation.
  • Joys and Concerns to share matters of the heart, both spoken and unspoken. Candles may be lit during a musical meditation and joys or concerns may be shared publicly with a written note or privately with the minister. All are welcome to participate. This time includes a short period of silent meditation.
  • The receiving of an offering to financially support the work of the congregation, the building and our mission in the community.
  • Extinguishing the chalice, closing words, and a closing hymn marking the end of the service
  • A musical postlude ushering us out to conversation over refreshments during the Social Hour in the Olympia Brown Room social hall.


Attendance via Zoom is an option that is open to all, near and far, during the regular congregational year, September—June.  The link for the Zoom link is available from the website home page. Our Zoom room opens at 10 A.M. through a waiting room.  Joys and Concerns can be shared in the chat box during that part of the service and will be acknowledged from the pulpit in the sanctuary. After the service, everyone is invited to a brief social time in breakout rooms.


During the summer, usually the end of June through the first of September, Sunday services vary in style and ritual. They are less formal, but the purpose remains – to learn to live more wisely, with connection and compassion. The usual service format may or may not be followed. Refreshments may or may not be available after the service. The one thing that remains is the opportunity to talk with each other. As always, we are happy to be together. These services are in person only, with the Zoom option not available.