Sunday Services: 10:30am

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The UUErie mission is to be a vibrant and inclusive religious community.

We INSPIRE personal and spiritual growth. We CONNECT in fellowship and service. We ACT for Peace and Justice

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The word worship comes from the Old English worðscip, meaning “condition of being worthy, dignity, glory, distinction, honor, renown”. We join together on Sunday mornings, then, to shape what is most worthy or create meaning, together.

Our worship services are weekly reflections that weave together our own thoughts and experiences with music, beauty, movement, and words that both comfort and challenge. Our programs for all ages inspire and awaken us to our capacities to make a difference in our own lives, the lives of others, and the world.

We are inspired not just by religious sources but by the people with whom we journey: the diverse and spirited Unitarian Universalists. Connect with us to join in!