People of open minds, loving hearts & helping hands
Next Sunday Service
Speaker: Rev. Chuck Cammarata Jesus is clearly, very clearly, against the ideology of Christian Nationalism, but what is he for? This morning we will lay out an agenda that Jesus clearly shared with his followers and that I believe is a kind of universal guide to a better world.
We gather each Sunday morning at 10:30 in person and also on zoom. Please join us.
Welcome Message from Rev. Kristina Church
Who We Are
Our mission is to be a vibrant and inclusive religious community:
- We INSPIRE personal and spiritual growth.
- We CONNECT in fellowship and service.
- We ACT for peace and justice.
- Share the wisdom of our guiding principles and nurture all who come seeking personal and spiritual growth.
- Be a welcoming, inclusive, and expanding religious congregation with diverse ideas and beliefs reflected in our services and programs.
- Establish ourselves as a strong presence in the region through greater community engagement.
- We Covenant to promote a culture of compassion and acceptance in our relations with each other.
- We Promise to listen with intent to understand and to communicate in an honest and respectful manner, even when we disagree.
- We Acknowledge that conflict is an opportunity for growth.
We unite ourselves together
for the study and practice
of morality and religion
as interpreted by the growing thought
and noblest lives of humanity,
believing that we may thereby prove helpful,one to another,
and promote the cause of truth, righteousness and love in the world.
Our Choir
Hear our choir at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Erie singing the Welcome Song, “Whoever You Are”, composed by Hal Walker, lyrics from the Welcoming statement of the Jefferson Unitarian Church in Golden Colorado
Children’s Religious Education Program
Our Sunday morning classroom is a safe space for youth to explore their beliefs in a meaningful and responsible way.
More About Us
Would you like to rent the building for a special event?
Our Sanctuary, Social Hall, Kitchen and Meeting Rooms are available for use. We are proud of our building and happy to share with the Erie community.
Visit Our YouTube Channel
View past services, zoom events, special events, musical performances and more.