Sunday Services: 10:30am

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Contact a Committee

If you are interested in becoming more involved in our congregation by joining one of our committees, please contact the chair of the committee for more information.  See below for contact info.

The Building and Grounds Committee maintains our building and coordinates planned, as well as emergency, repairs and improvements. No regular meetings. The Aesthetics team focuses on and directs the care of the building’s interior to provide a welcoming and inspirational space to live out the mission of UUErie. Meets as needed. 


The Caring Committee works with the minister on caring concerns in the congregation and the Erie community. They organize dinners and bag lunches for the marginalized in Erie, conduct an annual Christmas gift program, and connect with congregants in need. Meets monthly.


The Committee on Shared Ministry seeks to aid the minister in carrying on an effective ministry. They plan adult educational programs in coordination with the minister. Meets monthly.


The Communications Committee coordinates both internal and external communications. The goal is to provide an efficient and comprehensive dissemination of information that is interesting, engaging and useful, communicating both our values and mission. Meets as needed.


The Finance Committee oversees our finances, establishing policies and practices that ensure the accurate accounting of all funds connected to the congregation. The committee works with the Board of Trustees to establish an annual budget. Meets monthly.


The Hospitality Committee is responsible for stocking and organizing the kitchen and various events including coffee hours, potlucks, and Thanksgiving dinners. They also coordinate the annual Little Dinners program. Meets as needed.


The Membership Committee provides greeters for Sunday services, welcomes visitors, plans and prepares introductory classes, maintains the name tag rack and Information Wall and updates the directory of members and friends. They collaborate with the minister for the new member recognition Sundays, as well as activities that strengthen connections within the congregation. Meets as needed


The Religious Education Committee, under the direction of the Religious Education Director, formulates goals and objectives for the religious exploration programs for the youth of the congregation.  Along with the minister, the committee plans intergenerational services, naming ceremonies and the Coming of Age program. Meets monthly.


The Social Justice Committee directs and channels our concerns about social justice issues.  The committee provides the congregation with educational and outreach opportunities on social justice issues and suggests ways we may become more effective advocates for positive change.  Meets monthly.


The Sunday Services Planning Committee works closely with the minister to plan, coordinate, and carry out the services on Sunday morning. The committee provides speakers and leads services when the minister is not in the pulpit. All AV tech support is organized and provided for blended services using the Zoom format, as well as placing content our YouTube channel. Meets monthly.


The Chamberlain Memorial Garden is dedicated to the memory of long time member, Pat Chamberlain. A Garden Commission is charged with the administration of the endowment fund that built and maintains the garden.  Any member or friend of the congregation may be memorialized with a scattering or burial of ashes in one of the terraced boxes.  An engraved plaque in the sanctuary lists the names of those honored there.  All are welcome to enjoy the garden’s peaceful beauty year round. 

Building and Grounds – Pat Lorei, chair

Caring – Ginny Sabol, chair

Chamberlain Memorial Garden – Janet Krack, chair

Finance – Nanci Lorei, chair

Communications – Nanci Lorei, chair

Hospitality – Annette Krusewicz

Membership – Leigh Kostis

Religious Education – Michele Paich, chair

Social Justice – Greg Blackman, co-chair and Mary Desmone, co-chair

Sunday Services – Kelly Armor, co-chair and Dixie Morrow, co chair