Sunday Services: 10:30am

Our Symbol: The Flaming Chalice

The UUErie mission is to be a vibrant and inclusive religious community.

We INSPIRE personal and spiritual growth. We CONNECT in fellowship and service. We ACT for Peace and Justice

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A flame within a chalice is a primary symbol of the Unitarian Universalist faith tradition. Like us, many UU congregations kindle a flaming chalice in gatherings and worships and feature the chalice symbol prominently.

Hans Deutsch, an Austrian artist, first brought together the chalice and the flame as a symbol for the Unitarian Service Committee during World War II. To Deutsch, the image had connotations of sacrifice and love.

To Unitarian Universalists today the flaming chalice is a symbol of hope, the sacred, the quest for truth, the warmth of community, the light of reason, and more.

We light a flaming chalice in worship to create a reverent space for reflection, prayer, meditation, and singing.