Sunday Services: 10:30am

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1000 Paper Cranes

October 6th –  1000 Paper Cranes

led by: Michele Paich, Kat Wolper – service assistant, Jackson Froman – musician

Join us on this first Sunday of October for our monthly intergenerational service. The theme for October is Deep Listening and we will reflect on a story about dedication, hope, and a wish. Those joining us in the sanctuary will be invited to make a paper crane during the service with the materials provided, and for those of you joining us virtually, please have a six-inch square thin piece of paper nearby so you can join us in making 1000 paper cranes!

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July 28 – Hear a Story, Live a Story

Coordinator: Dixie Morrow, member of UUErie for twenty-four years and two months

We’ ll hear a story that most of us can relate to in some way. We’ll listen to each other’s reactions, the memories that arise, and the different ways we approach similar situations.

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July 21 – Sense and Sensitivity

Speaker: Christine Linkie, UUErie Congregant

What is the connection between how we process information from our senses—visual, tactile, sound, movement, etc.—and our sense of well-being? Since our nervous systems are all wired a little differently, perhaps we experience the world a little differently. We’ll explore the relationship between how we experience the world through our senses as it relates to mental health, well-being, and spirituality.

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July 7 – A World Beneath: Mushrooms and the Creative Process with guest dancers Solveig Santillano and Angela DiFiore

Coordinated by Kelly Armor

Kelly collaborated with two modern dancers to create a performance piece that combines movement, music, and storytelling to explore how the natural world is a powerful metaphor for artistic practice. They’ll perform the piece and have a lively conversation about mother earth, aging, and the joy and power of collaboration. This service is appropriate for children and adults.

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June 16th – Changing Seasons in Nature and Life

Speaker: Tabitha Wolf

As summer solstice nears, we reflect on change as a fact of life.  Sometimes it’s welcomed warmly, sometimes it’s an unpleasant surprise.  Come hear the Celtic myth of the Oak Kink and the Holly King and how it relates the the changing seasons of the natural world and our inner worlds.

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June 23rd – General Assembly Sunday Worship

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association where participants learn, connect, and make policy. This morning we’ll stream GA’s Sunday Service, a highlight for many and a chance to connect with thousands of UUs across the country. Rev. Molly Housh Gordonof Columbia, MO will lead the service. Watch in our sanctuary or via Zoom.

Note:  The June Congregational meeting will follow the service after a short social time.  Please plan to attend.

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June 30th – Make Yourself Comfortable – at the Girard UU

Make Yourself Comfortable! Rest as Renewal
We live in a fast-paced society that glorifies productivity and lauds busy-ness. Let’s explore the transformative potential of relaxation. How can we resist the pull of Grind Culture, and give our bodies and spirits the rest they need?

A Trip to the Universalist Church of Girard – The First UU Church of Girard is a small but lively congregation in a beautiful historic Universalist Church built in 1852. They regularly join us for services and study sessions. This morning we’ll join them in a service led by Rev. Kristina Church. Note that the service starts at 11:00 a.m. at 107 Myrtle Street in Girard, PA.

This is our first “Summer Light” service.  There will be no zoom service until Regular services begin on September 8. 2024

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May 5th: “The Labyrinth: A Journey to the Heart of Things”

Speaker: Rev. Kristina Church

Let’s celebrate World Labyrinth Day by learning about the origins of this beautiful embodied spiritual practice. There are many different ways to engage with labyrinths, and we’ll have many options available. Take a moment to move through the labyrinth that is right for you!

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May 26th: “Unitarian Universalism and Pluralism”

Speaker: Melissa Jeter

If it is false that UU’s can “believe” whatever we want, then how does Unitarian Universalism reveal the value of pluralism? Unitarian Universalism is rooted in Christianity and early Christian fathers conceptualized religion by defining and identifying what was considered a heresy. Given this exclusive practice, the Unitarians who traveled to what would be the United States wanted more freedom to practice Christianity as they saw fit. Now, many of us may practice or have curiosity about different faiths, have reasonable approaches to the way to live life, refer to conventional ways from familial ancestors or find spirituality from the earth or consume information from popular culture. How do UU’s embrace pluralism? How do we side with love in a way that matters?

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